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The Queensland Government is extending the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program. As part of Stage 2 of Queensland’s Economic Recovery Strategy – Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs, up to $100 million is being made available to deliver a second round of grants, with half of this funding specifically earmarked for regional small businesses located outside of South East Queensland.
Round 2 will open on 1 July 2020.
The objective of this program is to support small businesses subject to closure or highly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdown restrictions announced by the Queensland Government, to adapt and sustain their operations, and build resilience.
The program aims to see small and micro businesses:
- prepare for the safe resumption of trading in the post COVID-19 recovery
- access digital technologies to rebuild business operations and transition to a new way of doing business
- respond to online opportunities, where possible, to sustain employment and maintain potential for longer-term growth
- upskill and reskill business owners and staff to benefit from new technologies or business models
- embrace business diversification to adapt and sustain operations
- create or retain employment.
Grants of up to $10,000 are available to eligible small or micro businesses and can be used towards the following:
- financial, legal or other professional advice to support business sustainability and diversification
- strategic planning, financial counselling or business coaching aligned to business development and diversification
- building the business through marketing and communications activities, for example, content development (web pages, mobile apps, visual and audio media etc.)
- digital/technological strategy development
- digital training or re-training to adapt to new business models
- capital costs associated with meeting COVID-19 SAFE requirements
- specialised digital equipment or business specific software to move business operations online (e.g. logistics program for online ordering)
- meeting business costs, including utilities, rent.
To be eligible, the business must:
- have been subject to closure or otherwise highly impacted by current shutdown restrictions announced by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer on 23 March 2020
- demonstrate that business revenue has been significantly impacted since 23 March 2020 over a minimum 1-month period due to the onset and management of COVID-19
- employ staff and have fewer than 20 employees at the time of applying for the grant
- have a valid Australian Business Number (ABN) active as at 23 March 2020
- be registered for GST
- have a Queensland headquarters
- have an annual turnover over $75,000 for the last financial year
- have a payroll of less than $1.3 million
- not be insolvent or have owners/directors that are an undischarged bankrupt.
Need help with your application or have any questions? Book in a free discovery call below.
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