It’s THAT time of year again … time for THAT mandatory annual check up!
This is the season that we are invaded by those nasty little bugs and irritants that makes some of us feel sick to our stomach. No, we are not talking about the approaching winter cooties, we are talking about the End of the Financial Year!!
It is that time of year that for some of us, we have to own up to the reality of our past work habits, our past bookkeeping habits and our past leadership styles. We say ‘past’ because also with a new financial year and the determination to NEVER be that ‘unhealthy’ again, we can put plans in place to make our future financial year one of our healthiest yet!!
So where can you find ‘5 fruit and 2 veg’ for your business?
Well, firstly you need to have a look at your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). We have mentioned before about how these gems are your business’ secret sauce, so we won’t take up your time to explain that again here, however because you know how critical your Key Performance Indicators are you need to take some time to look at their results. You set them for a reason! If they are not meeting your expectations then we need to understand why. Were there outside or internal influences that affected the outcomes and if so, how are we going to inject them with the solution they need now? Did we sneeze at an opportunity that we should have grabbed with both hands? Is there some cancer in our organisation that we need removed?
Next you need to isolate and review your financial health. Your financial health is the oxygen of your business, without it you are dead! In fact, it is so important that if it causes you any type of concern, you need to seek a business health professional such as your Achieve Business Dynamics Business Advisor as soon as you become aware of the situation.
Your financial health includes your:
- Sales activity
- Cashflow
- Operating environment
- Outstanding accounts
- Profit
- Stock levels
- Working capital
- Asset accumulation
- Debt levels
If any of these areas make you feel queasy then you need to call (07) 4946 5880 and ask for an urgent Complimentary Client Review.
Finally, you need to take the pulse of your human resources. Human resources basically means the personnel within your business, or those who are regarded as a significant asset to your business such as your Contractors or Solutions Team. Productive human resources are the life blood of any business and it is crucial that you monitor their performance levels regularly. The unpredictable nature of human life means that at times, even the most loyal team member may have a hiccup with their punctuality, quality of work or attitude depending on their personal circumstances. To maintain a healthy work environment, you need to support your Team Members by inoculating against toxic performers and boosting the internal culture of your organisation.
Whilst ingesting all of these remedies will absolutely help to boost your businesses immune system, you still need to exercise a healthy dose of focus, discipline and agility for optimum business health.
…. Oh and by the way, we bulk billed this consultation so that you can share this vaccination with family, friends and business associates. We look forward to seeing you at our Business Health Clinic for your Complimentary Client Review within the month.