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Your revised business budget

In our previous article, we outlined the first step in your business recovery planning – creating or updating your personal budget.

Once you’ve done your personal budget, you can build up your revised business budget.

We recommend what we call a bottom-up process, where you start with the increase in cash you want to achieve for the month, quarter or year.


Where to start with planning your business recovery

There’s a natural order in which to reinvent your business. With business continuity planning, we asked you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first.

Business recovery planning is no different.

Step one begins with YOU.

Read more and get our FREE personal budget template below.


What does Business Recovery Planning look like?

It’s ‘Business Unusual’ right now as businesses reopen after the #Covid19 crisis. Your business must adapt and we’re here to help our clients get to a new ‘Business as Usual’. Register for our webinar to find out how! #BusinessRecoveryPlanning


IMPORTANT UPDATE (QLD): What you can do now to prepare for a return to business

Following the release by the Federal and Queensland Governments of Roadmaps to easing lock down Restrictions, additional guidelines and templates have been released to assist businesses plan to manage risks and protect their workers and customers as they prepare to reopen or continue operating.

Please share this post to help other business owners.


Supporting your family and team through the lockdown

As a #BusinessOwner, your wellbeing & resilience are key to supporting your family and team. While the #Covid19 lockdown is out of your control, you can minimise the impact on your family and team & bolster morale and outcomes


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Rembemer, we’re here to help! Get in touch anytime or Book in for a free consultation.

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