Wouldn’t you just love to wave your magic wand and double your income? Of course you would, who wouldn’t want that!
Well, we are going to discover just how easy it can be to double your sales by looking at four strategies that will have you earning more – without working any harder in the long term. These strategies are being adopted by the wisest of business operators because they understand that ‘quality is more important than quantity!’.
So let’s walk through the four strategies together …
Strategy One
Start right now and plan for it. The best way to guarantee that you will double your income is to plan for it. You need to review your past performance, set new sales targets and start with an initial 90 day action plan that will start you off on the right foot. Once your plan is developed, you will need to start putting that plan into action and review your results along the way.
Strategy Two
Identify the most profitable Clients that you are working with now and nurture your relationship with them even more. Your most profitable Client may not be the one you see the most or hear from the most but they will be the ones that spend more per average transaction. To find out who they are simply look at your invoices over the past 12 months and do a quick analysis on them to determine their profitability to your business. As time goes on and you receive more sales from your more profitable Clients, you will be able to reduce the need to work for your less profitable Clients.
Strategy Three
Double the amount of people your business talks to. Get your businesses services and products discovered by twice as many people. If you don’t wish to physically pick up the phone and call twice as many people, then why not double the amount of visits you make to your customers? Alternatively, if you need to reach a large number of customers at once, then double the amount of promotions that you do on social media, in your newsletter or on your Blog. You could even hold an informational session and double the amount of invites you would normally send out.
Strategy Four
Big revenue requires executing on big plans. Big plans require big dreams. This is possibly the most challenging step. Getting yourself to believe that you can do it! Some of us will need to re-train our thoughts and be prepared to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zones to achieve those things we currently only dream about. If you are struggling with turning your big dreams into big plans and hence, big revenue, then perhaps you could benefit from the support of a Business Coach. A Business Coach can guide you through the process using their proven planning and management tools. They can also give you the support you need, so that you have a greater sense of control over your destiny and your income.
So as you can see, doubling your sales doesn’t need to be difficult, however planning for it is a must!
Transform and Achieve!