Winners are grinners…Ready to smile again?

As we move out of lock down, there’s more reasons to smile. And I’m adding to the list. I’m giving away an iPad to one lucky small business owner. Be in it to win it, entering is simple. Check out my latest blog post for details.

As we move out of lock down, there’s more reasons to smile. And I’m adding to the list.

I’m giving away an iPad to one lucky small business owner.

Be in it to win it, entering is simple.

But before I get to that, I’ll start with why.  Why am I aiming to put a smile on your dial?

Well, the last couple of months have been hard for small business. For you. The COVID crisis has thrown you for six.

I’ve seen it firsthand. Heard it directly from my clients. Other business owners like you. They’ve been worried, confused, fearful, full of panic and overwhelmed. Stressed about whether they’ll keep their head above water. Wondering how their business will survive.

Now over the last 30 years of my career as an Accountant and Business Finance & Growth Coach, I’ve seen downturns. Tough times. With this pandemic, this latest crisis, it’s clear that was all just training. And This. Is. The Grand. Final.

I’m coaching my clients through this. They’re still in the first half, but they’re up. Point by critical point, we’ll work together through this epic Grand Final.

Right now, my focus is on helping you sustain your business. Keep it afloat. Make sure it survives, so you and your business can thrive again. So you come out on top. Small business for the WIN.

 If you’re wondering about the iPad comp at this point, I haven’t forgotten. Stick with me for a bit. I’m about to give you crucial information that’ll help placate your panic and sustain your business. So when you win the iPad (if you’re extra lucky), it’ll be the cherry on top. The icing on the cake.

I’ve put together as many useful resources as possible, to help you get your business through this.  Here they are in one place for quick access. Less time spent finding stuff. More time for action.

Business Continuity Plan
A.K.A  Roadmap Outta This

You can get the free plan and bonus training video HERE.

JobKeeper & Boosting Cash Flow
A.K.A Get More Cash…A-SAP

Like many accountants and bookkeepers, I’ve been spending long hours reading all the fine print so I can help my clients claim the cash they need, quick.

You can read up on JobKeeper HERE and Boosting Cash Flow for Employers HERE

Prefer to skip the reading and cut straight to the answers? Get in touch.

13 Week Cash Flow Forecast
A.K.A Show Me The Money

I’ve been preparing cash flow forecasts and helping clients successfully apply for bank overdrafts and loans. Want your own forecast? Download my template HERE .

Get it done today. Understand your future cash flow, so you give yourself as much time as possible to address shortfalls and consider strategies for improvement.

Prep A COVIDSafe Plan
A.K.A Get Back To Business As Soon As The Government Gives The Go Ahead

How you ask? Well lucky for you, I’m not just a numbers man. I’m a pretty prolific blog writer too, and they’re full of practical advice. I’ve got a blog all about exactly how to do this right HERE

Apply For A Grant (QLD Only)
A.K.A Extra Cash To Help Keep Your Business Afloat

The Queensland Government’s Small Business COVID-19 Adaptation Grant Program is open. There’s 10,000 grants up for grabs. Applications are rolling in fast, so get in quick. Details HERE. How good would it be to have extra cash? So you can access a coach to help you sustain your business, thrive and win! Need help getting your application in fast? Book a FREE 15 minute call with me HERE .

Try Your Luck
A.K.A I Want To Give You One More Reason To Smile. Stuff’s Been Tough. You Deserve It

Throw your hat in the ring for a chance to win an iPad. Enter HERE. Good luck!

Want to keep up to date with the latest Survive to Thrive tips and advice? Subscribe to my newsletter below.

Picture of Paul Burke
Paul Burke
Paul is a Business Finance and Growth Coach for motivated small and medium (SME) business owners who are ready to find their freedom. A 30 year veteran accountant and fellow of CPA Australia, Paul has a Diploma of Management, trained as a Gazelles International Certified Coach, is a successful business owner, family man, committed community volunteer and freedom finder. Paul knows how to sustain and grow a business that supports lifestyle goals. He understands why you started your business. What you hope to achieve. What you’re struggling with. He’s a font of accounting, finance and business growth wisdom who’ll support you every step of the way to help you achieve your goals in business, and life.
Picture of Paul Burke
Paul Burke
Paul is a Business Finance and Growth Coach for motivated small and medium (SME) business owners who are ready to find their freedom. A 30 year veteran accountant and fellow of CPA Australia, Paul has a Diploma of Management, trained as a Gazelles International Certified Coach, is a successful business owner, family man, committed community volunteer and freedom finder. Paul knows how to sustain and grow a business that supports lifestyle goals. He understands why you started your business. What you hope to achieve. What you’re struggling with. He’s a font of accounting, finance and business growth wisdom who’ll support you every step of the way to help you achieve your goals in business, and life.


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